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Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Friday 28 February 2003 04:04 am, Buchan Milne wrote:
> I can't be 100% sure Buchan because it was late when I did this last
night.  I
> do know that /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 did not have an
> for DHCP_HOSTNAME until I ran drakconnect post-install.  Perhaps this is
> because it never ran during install because I did a network install.
But if
> drakconnect did not run during install because the network was already
> configured, that means the installer is not configuring the network
> when network.img is used.

That is the case, and needs to be fixed ... when doing network installs,
we actually do reset DHCP_HOSTNAME (or on 9.0 we ran drakconnect again)
post-install. The installer should really give an option to reset
configuration at the end IMHO ...

>>assigned by dhcp, then dns entries get added (DDNS). If the user did not
>>know this, and gets a different name as hostname to what was assigned to
>>them, then we have the hostname lookup problem again.
> Well, I would think that an admin on a corporate network that has dhcp
set up
> is not going to want to fight with this, they would accept the
default.  What
> about the people on home network's that are the one's that will really
> about this.  Joe User, who really wants to name his computer after a
> jazz musician.  How can you accomodate both sets of users?

tmdns should really handle this case AFAIK. Otherwise some test with

$ host `hostname` |(test for good answer) || echo -e "\t\t
`hostname`" >> /etc/hosts

in initscripts.

> Here is what I am going to do to help the situation.  I can't do it
today, but
> I should have time to do about 5 installs this weekend using various
> scenarios of dhcp, non-dhcp, network vs. cd install.  I will update
> tonight and create a set of install CD's (hopefully Warly has fixed the
> kernel selection issue) and do various network and cd installs and
> my findings.

Cool. But maybe also we need to have a summary of the desired behaviour?
Fred? Florin? Otherwise we don't know what to file bugs for ...

> I know time is of the essence at this pint (I meant point, maybe that
is my
> subconscious rising to the surface ;-) ), and it would be nice to see
> fixed/understood before rc2, but this is the best I can do given the
rest of
> my schedule.
> To make sure I am looking at everything relevant, confirm these are the
> configuration files that matter.
> /etc/hosts
> /etc/host.conf
> /etc/resolve.conf
> /etc/dh-client.conf
> /etc/tmdns
IIRC, /etc/tmdns.conf

> /etc/sysconfig/hostname
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Output of 'hostname'

Output of 'host `hostname`'

Output of 'nslookup -sil `hostname`'


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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