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> Would people you know be more interested in using Mandrake (over
> Windows/RH/SuSE/Debian) if these packages were included?

  Yes. Obviously, I'm already using Mandrake, however.

> Any other rational arguments for or against these packages?

  Yes, there are good arguments for inclusion, IMO. First a word about my 
particular bias. I have made a few insignificant contributions to the 
BibleTime Project and even less significant contributions to GnomeSword. They 
really aren't enough to be notable, but I want to be upfront with my 

  1.) As you said, many users already use this. I think its position on the 
Club speaks volumes about the amount of users that really want it included 
(as there are obviously many groups who want their favorite project 

  2.) As you also note, the software isn't only usable for texts of a certain 

  3.) Even if we take it only as Bible software, there are many secular uses 
for Bible software: academic study of religion usage, psychological research, 
sociological research, etc. Hey, even many atheists keep a copy of the Bible 
around so they can debate against it! 

     A.) From a religious stand point probably a good portion of Mandrake's 
users who are religious are Christian (that'd be me), Jewish, or Islamic, and 
all of these can benefit from these tools as well. 

  4.) Not only does Debian include it, Lindows includes a similar package as 
well. SuSE doesn't include any Bible software, but it does include a Qu'ranic 
prayer schedule tool and some related stuff.

 5.) I'm very doubtful that more people will find a program named "BibleTime" 
offensive than the amount of people that find "BitchX" offensive.

> (remember, there are a significant number of Mandrake users who already
> use the software, and a significant number of club members have voted for
> it, so please do not use arguments such as "how would they feel if we
> included satanic or other offensive software", unless such material has
> been requested by a large number of users on the club or on this list).



- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Timothy R. Butler                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal  Networks                       http://www.uninet.info
Christian Portal and Search Tool:       http://www.faithtree.com
Enterprise Open Source Journal:               http://www.ofb.biz
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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