> The Sword site is as chilling as a knock on the door.
> The online version is a bit awkward and I did not find adjustments for
> "fuzziness".
> One basis for inclusion/exclusion is a matter of "quality".  I gave the
> "Diatheke" (online) version a spin.
> After a bit of fiddling, the search "as deceivers" led to
> 2Cor 6:8: By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as
> deceivers, and yet true;
>  (KJV)
> Another search on the phrase "little sister" looking for the famous text
> from the Songs came up dry but the juicier part
> Verses containing "she hath no breasts"-- Song 8:8 -- 1 matches total (KJV)
> works fine.
> Also the phrase search for "dead lion" fails but the multiple word search
> works.
> Eccl 9:4: For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a
> living dog is better than a dead lion.
>  (KJV)
> On quality, I rate "Sword" a "B" maybe even a "B+" and worthy of inclusion.
> I am confident it will bring converts to Linux and Open Source.
> DId you find this review interesting?
> Did you find it useful?

Leaving all 'personal' opinions aside, if it's free/open source software, it 
works, it's legal, and it's not installed by default, there shouldn't be a 

Want a laugh?  Read back through this thread and apply the arguments to 
something like music software and you'll see how inane some of the comments 
are.  It might open some eyes as well.

Jim, don't show your post to a psychiatrist mate. It could tell more than you 
wish to know.  :^)

      Trevor Rhodes
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God runs electromagnetics by wave theory on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,
and the Devil runs them by quantum theory on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
                -- William Bragg

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