
The Sword site is as chilling as a knock on the door.

The online version is a bit awkward and I did not find adjustments for 

One basis for inclusion/exclusion is a matter of "quality".  I gave the 
"Diatheke" (online) version a spin.

After a bit of fiddling, the search "as deceivers" led to  

2Cor 6:8: By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as 
deceivers, and yet true;

Another search on the phrase "little sister" looking for the famous text from 
the Songs came up dry but the juicier part 

Verses containing "she hath no breasts"-- Song 8:8 -- 1 matches total (KJV) 

works fine.

Also the phrase search for "dead lion" fails but the multiple word search 

Eccl 9:4: For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a 
living dog is better than a dead lion.

On quality, I rate "Sword" a "B" maybe even a "B+" and worthy of inclusion.

I am confident it will bring converts to Linux and Open Source.

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jim tarvid

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