On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 07:51 am, N Smethurst wrote:
> Le Dimanche 2 Mars 2003 20:19, Trevor Rhodes a écrit :
> > Want a laugh?  Read back through this thread and apply the arguments to
> > something like music software and you'll see how inane some of the
> > comments are.  It might open some eyes as well.

> You'd be correct there. Music is not something that is considered part of a
> specialist group. If these arguments are applied to a specialist group,
> they all seem very valid.. oh wait, that's what we've been doing..

> I ask again. The cooker mailing list is not a good place to have this kind
> of political debate. The club has forums for this type of thing, so could
> you continue this discussion there instead please.

This was the first paragraph which you so conveniently left out so you could 
make a point. A point I must add that didn't work.

Leaving all 'personal' opinions aside, if it's free/open source software, it 
works, it's legal, and it's not installed by default, there shouldn't be a 

The quote you did use doesn't even come under the heading of being political.  
If you have a really good look I didn't even use the word 'religion' in any 
of it's forms. Nor did I actually use the name of the program.  My sole 
intent was to make a point about how any software should be chosen and that 
definitely does keep me on topic for this list, especially when you look at 
the intent of the original posting when that program was mentioned.

Please be a little more judicious in your usage of my postings in future.  I 
would also like to take this opportunity to apologise to list members for any 
inconvenience this posting may cause as that also is not my intent. You wil 
hear no more from me on this topic, as I expect not to hear from you either.

      Trevor Rhodes
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