On 2003.03.03 11:01 Buchan Milne wrote:
How about renaming the binaries, so that they won't conflict? Would
work? That was the approach I took with samba3 (but I left a provides
 there by mistake).

Not really.
The package only contains jackd and jackstart. Jackd is the real daemon, and jackstart is a BINARY which runs jackd with privileges. Without hacking up the code, I don't think jackstart would work if jackd had a different name.
If jackstart was a script, it would be very easy.
I'll look at the code though.


                        Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc.
             Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant
           Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
             MandrakeClub Volunteer (www.mandrakeclub.com)
                     homepage: www.groundstate.ca

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