On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 20:57, Danny Tholen wrote:
> On Monday 03 March 2003 20:01, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > Try playing a sound with xmms, with the ALSA output plugin enabled. xmms
> > just freezes solid. Someone else confirmed this happens to them, also.
> For me it does not happen. Which sound card?

SB16 PCI, driver snd-ens1371. Let me just check it still happens (when I
noticed, I was running kernel -10mdk, and -11mdk was The Kernel Without
A Changelog, so I guess it could be fixed :>)...nope, still happens. It
just freezes when I hit play. Don't get any console output if I'm
running from a console, either. Have to control-C or 'kill' it. This was
working at least with kernel -6mdk, I think also with -9mdk but I'm not
completely sure. I have to run XMMS in OSS mode.

> > Trying to run Quakeforge (Quake source port) in ALSA mode gives a
> > segfault.
> IIRC does quake use mmapped sound? there was some problem with that and i 
> think it was quakes fault, not alsa. But could be wrong. 

Quake might've done, I don't know. Quakeforge is, as I mentioned, a
source port, made for Linux. It has an ALSA output which is as far as I
know like anyone else's ALSA output :). If I use its OSS output instead,
it doesn't segfault, but I get messed up sound, it seems to play the
sound for half a second every three seconds or so, it's odd. Doesn't
seem to be a known bug, going by their mailing lists. It'd just
generally be nice to get a new kernel with ALSA 0.9rc8, I think, and
hope it solves everyone's problems. :)

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