I am sorry, I forgot to mention, I was actually using tcsh, not bash. And I do have /sw/bin/init.csh source'd (Fink-related everything else seems to work fine anyway).

Thanks for looking into it (and maintaining the fink packages).


William G. Scott wrote:
Hi Engin:

Well, I have to confess I only tested it with zsh and tcsh, assuming bash would work the same way. zsh is vastly better than bash, but you are right, it should work equally well on whichever shell the user chooses.

So I initiated a bash session, no $PYTHONPATH defined,


  source /sw/bin/init.sh

and then issued


and it works.

If you don't source /sw/bin/init.sh, it won't work, and many other things in fink will be broken. That is the only thing I can think of. Sorry if that isn't relevant.

Are you on 10.4?  I don't have access to 10.4 at the moment to test it...


On Feb 5, 2009, at 7:50 PM, Engin Ozkan wrote:

Hi everyone,

I still seem to have issues with fink'ed coot (revision-1847-1). It does not start and it gives an error
PYTHONPATH: Undefined variable.

I guess I could just define the PYTHONPATH, but I do not have a reason to. More interestingly, if I switch to zsh shell, I don't get the error and coot starts, even though I still don't have the variable defined.

Am I missing something here?



William Scott wrote:
Howdie Fulica aficionados:

coot-0.6-pre-1-revision-1847-1, available via fink (and my servers as binaries for 10.5), should be working properly now with python2.5. It should also inherit $PYTHONPATH from your environment if you have set that (there is generally no need to, but you may have a reason).



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