I observe the same future in the recently installed (in the last hour) COOT (via FINK)
I use Mac OS 10.5.6
Needless to say that rotate/translate function is important during model rebuilding
Felix Frolow
Dr  Felix Frolow
Professor of Structural Biology and Biotechnology
Department of Molecular Microbiology
and Biotechnology
Tel Aviv University 69978, Israel

Acta Crystallographica D, co-editor

e-mail: mbfro...@post.tau.ac.il
Tel:           ++972 3640 8723
Fax:          ++972 3640 9407
Cellular:   ++972 547 459 608

On Feb 6, 2009, at 9:56 AM, Engin Ozkan wrote:

Hi, it's me again.

With the latest version (1848), I haven't been able to use rotate/ translate or rigid body functions (they were fine in 1847, I think). No matter what I set it to, the whole chain gets moved by these functions (even when I set with scripting do_rot_trans_setup to 0, it gets overwritten). I am working on a Mac OS 10.5.6. Does anyone else have a similar experience? Unless you have updated with fink in the last hour, you probably don't have 1848. (Or maybe I should just go to sleep and stop working late hours from home)

Thanks everybody, again.


William G. Scott wrote:

On Feb 5, 2009, at 8:42 PM, Engin Ozkan wrote:

P.S. I am starting to like zsh more and more.

Me too. zsh is the most fun I have ever had with my clothes on, except possibly when riding the new mountain bike.

zsh is to unix shells what OS X is to operating systems. Programmable completions, including remote filename completion with scp alone make it worthwhile.

I started a zsh on OS X project, if anyone is interested:


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