This "Blueify map" function is very useful -- would it be just as easy to "Yellowify" coordinates?


On Feb 25, 2009, at 10:08 AM, Paul Emsley wrote:

Victor Alves wrote:


I have looked at the reference manual and can't seem to find a way to fulfill my desire to change colors of the active map or molecule at key-press.

All the commands I found use "imol" which means you have to know the exact number. If you're launching Refmac from within Coot, its useful that Coot changes the map and molecule colors (as it does automatically) but sometimes I don't like the chosen colors and would like to change them, just by pressing a key.

So, I would like to add a key binding to set the current (active) map to a certain color and likewise do the same for the active molecule.

Something like:

(add-key-binding "Blue Map" "b" (lambda () (set-map-colour *_active- imol_* 51 128 178))

instead of having to use "imol".

Hi Victor,

First, to make the new maps from Refmac be the same colours as the previous one, add to your ~/.coot file:

(set-keep-map-colour-after-refmac 1)

Secondly, to answer your question:

(add-key-binding "Blueify the Latest 2foFc Map" "b"
       (lambda ()
         (let loop ((l (reverse (map-molecule-list))))
            ((null? l) 'no-map)
            ((= (map-is-difference-map (car l)) 0)
             (set-map-colour (car l) 0.1 0.5 0.68)
             (loop (cdr l)))))))

i.e. we have to find the value of active-imol and we do that by working backwards through the list of map molecule numbers and finding the first one that is not a difference map.

Note the colour scales go from 0 to 1.


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