On Wed, 13 May 2009 23:29:28 +0100, Paul Emsley 
<paul.ems...@bioch.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

>>   About the underlying problem - the text in scheme widgets - is that a 
>> feature in the Windows scheme libraries or some weird bug?
>Can you be somewhat more precise in you description of the "text in
>scheme widgets"?

  I meant the issue Berhard mentions as the reason scheme is not available to 
Win-Coot - "missing text in scheme widgets". Just curious if that's a minor bug 
or something major.

  Incidentally, I wonder what's the best resource to look at the available 
functions/commands etc in coot?
  For instance, I was curious what parameters were acceptable for
i.e. from the tutorial/manual I know "backwards" is an option. But how to 
reverse it back to normal? "forwards", "forward", "normal"?!
  I found the command in the Coot Reference Manual webpage but it didn't give 
me any more information. Where would I find it in the code itself?


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