On Thu, 14 May 2009 00:34:36 +0100, Paul Emsley 
<paul.ems...@bioch.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>>   For instance, I was curious what parameters were acceptable for
>> set-baton-build-params
>> i.e. from the tutorial/manual I know "backwards" is an option. But how to
>> reverse it back to normal? "forwards", "forward", "normal"?!
>Oh, hmm... Thank you for pointing out this failing.  For the record it
>is "forwards".

  Thanks. Of course, I had figured it out by trial-and-error... :-) Made 
more difficult b/c there was no error reported for a wrong parameter.

  I wonder if adding the function as buttons on the baton window would be 
useful? (i.e. "Build Backwards" and "Build Forwards" - perhaps asking for user 
input as to the relevant res-num or guessing it). I think O does that. Just a 

  Ok. Cheers,

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