On 06/01/09 12:49, Kevin Cowtan wrote:
> Johan Hattne wrote:
>> But this is intended behaviour?  If I compile against
>> ${HOME}/lib/libguile* I wouldn't want the runtime linker to use
>> /usr/lib/libguile*, because presumably my build requires something that
>> /usr/lib/libguile doesn't provide.
> Don't worry about it. The usage of RPATH in coot is as far as I can tell
> completely unintentional. If we can find out where it is sneaking in,
> then we'll get rid of it.


What would have me worried though, is if the rpath were to completely
disappear (bugs in the build system is a different matter).  On systems
were I don't have root access, or where I don't want to mix locally
installed software with whatever the system provides (e.g. OS X), or
where we're giving access to a share of precompiled software (e.g. an
NFS export of crystallography software), rpath can help ensure correct
runtime linking.

// Cheers; Johan

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