On Mon, 2021-06-14 at 15:51 +0100, Phong Nguyen wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Coot 0.9.5, installed from CCP4 package. It was working well until 
> today I decided to install ccp4 again
> because I have some trouble of trying to install ARP package. So I guess that 
> Coot also get reinstall after I
> reinstall the package. Coot runs normally, having some warning like in the 
> attachment file ¨coot_warning.txt¨ but I am
> able to open the pdb, the map and most of the function are working normally. 
> There is only one problem is that when I
> tried to refine the model with Ramachandran, it always give me the red 
> ramachandran, even if I tried to refine in a
> place that according to coot validation, the ramachandran there was good, it 
> also gave me only the red ramachandran. 

I think I have seen something similar. Some prolines are extremely reluctant to 
turn green, despite considerable
provocation to do so. Sometimes, upping the weight on the Rama Restraints 


... sometime not.

There may be a bug in the proline rotamer validation - or its representation.

There are two types of target function for the Ramachandran restraints. You 
might like to try the other one:

set_refine_ramachandran_restraints_type(0) # pythonically speaking

> Could anybody can help with this situation? it is not possible for me to 
> refine a model with out ramachandran option.

Teehehe! Modern notions for modern scientists.



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