Thank you Paul, Upping the weight on the Rama restraints doesn´t help in my case. I think the problem come from the interface because if I turn on the validation ramachandran, it shows that the outliers come in favoured regions after refinement using rama restraints. So basicly the refinement works well just some wrong signals.
>There are two types of target function for the Ramachandran restraints. You >might like to try the other one: set_refine_ramachandran_restraints_type(0) # pythonically speaking how can I do it? when I search about set_refine_ramachandran_restraints_type it shows me that option appear in c-interface.h file. I just change to (0) instead of (int type)? Best, Phong ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the COOT list, click the following link: This message was issued to members of, a mailing list hosted by, terms & conditions are available at