
Please find below a revised patch:


I had oversimplified the changes in project.xml.
It seems you need to declare a source folder of type 'java'
as well as a compilation-unit in order for 'Find Usage' to work
properly in the editor.

I have also restrained the packageset for the javadoc
target as suggested by Joe.

-- daniel

On 3/25/13 12:45 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
Hi guys,

I'd like to propose a small change to jaxp/build.xml and
jaxp/nbproject/project.xml - in order to allow editing
JAXP sources in NetBeans, as well as generating the JAXP
javadoc for previewing purposes.

I actually stole the javadoc target from

The changes are small & targeted at developers.
There should be no impact on the build process.

Here is the webrev:


best regards,

-- daniel

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