Good catch. webrev updated. It appears none of the tests catched this error, if I just build the
jdk normally (?), either local  fresh new build and jprt job.


On 4/11/13 10:57 PM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Sherman,

On 12/04/2013 3:46 PM, Xueming Shen wrote:

webrev has been updated to removed the tzdb.dat from the CreateJars.gmk
as suggested.

In profile-includes.txt this change is wrong:

** 77,88 ****
      security/blacklist \
      security/cacerts \
      security/java.policy \
      security/ \
      security/local_policy.jar \
!     security/trusted.libraries \
!     tzdb.jar

      LICENSE \
      README \
--- 77,87 ----
      security/blacklist \
      security/cacerts \
      security/java.policy \
      security/ \
      security/local_policy.jar \
!     security/trusted.libraries

we need tzdb.dat listed here.



On 04/09/2013 08:08 AM, Xueming Shen wrote:
On 4/9/13 5:00 AM, David Holmes wrote:
I find it troubling the tzdb.jar is now tzdb.dat - either it is a jar
file or not; if not then it should not be built using CreateJars.gmk
and shouldn't listed on the JAR variables in profile-includes.txt

tzdb.dat now is NOT a jar file for performance (decompression slows
down startup).
So which gmk file is the best fit for this kind of "file building"? We
may be able to
update it to the appropriate place with a follow up push.



On 9/04/2013 5:51 AM, Xueming Shen wrote:

JSR 310 has continued to refine and update the java.time API.
Please help review the proposed changeset as showed in webrev:

In addition to general javadoc improvements, the changes include:


* Duration - added a static from(temporalAmount) method to simplify
   conversions from other amounts
* Renamed the toString(Formatter) method to format(Formatter) in all
* Period - added a static from(temporalAmount) method to simplify
* ZoneId -
- Added getAvailableZoneIds method, a simpler mechanism than going
      to the provider
    - Added normalized() method to ease conversion to a fixed offset
    - renamed predefined static fields of timezone names


* ChronoLocalDate, ChronoLocalDateTime, ChonoZonedDateTime
- changed xxx_COMPARATORs to static methods returning the Time Line
      Order comparators
    - Added a from(TemporalAcessor) method to ease conversions
* Chronology
     - Added method to create a Date from EpochDay (And in each
       calendar subclass)
     - Added resolveDate to allow resolving date components by the
     - Serialization fixes
     - Replaced raw return types with wildcard type
* Era
     - Removed factory methods and getChronology - they did not work
       correctly in all cases
     - Declared Era as a functional interface
* Hijrah calendar variations -
     - Supporting the Umm alQura calendar
* Added HijrahEra, IsoEra, JapaneseEra, MinguEra, ThaiBuddhistEra
     making the enums public
* MinguoDate, ThaiBuddhistDate, HijrahDate - Added getEra method
   to return the concrete Era type.


* DateTimeFormatter -
     - Added fields for the predefined formatters
       (moved from DateTimeFormatters class)
     - Updated patterns to be CLDR compatible
- Moved documentation for the pattern letters to the class javadoc
     - Added support for Zone default and conversion
* DateTimeFormatterBuilder
- Updated documentation of patterns and corresponding equivalents
       to builder methods.
     - Added a method to append the localized offset.


* Adjusters - class removed; all static adjusters moved to static
   in TemporalAdjuster
* ChronoField -
     - Added getDisplayName - for locale specific field name
* Queries - class removed; all static query method moved to static
   in TemporalQuery
* TemporalField - added getDisplayName method
* UnsupportedTemporalTypeException - new subtype of DateTimeException
   to reflect no support for a unit or field
* WeekFields - Added fields for week and year of week-Based-Years to
   CLDR fields "Y", "W"

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