On 03/20/2014 12:32 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 03/19/2014 11:01 PM, Brian Burkhalter wrote:

On Mar 14, 2014, at 7:17 AM, Brian Burkhalter <brian.burkhal...@oracle.com <mailto:brian.burkhal...@oracle.com>> wrote:

On Mar 14, 2014, at 3:39 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

But in general it would be better to just use "ThreadLocalRandom.current()" everywhere you use "rnd" variable. This is precisely it's purpose - a random number generator that is never contended. The overhead of ThreadLocalRandom.current() call is hardly measurable by itself.

I'll update that and re-run some of the benchmarks later.

Following up on the content above and this earlier message in the thread:


I have posted a revised patch (NB: I know lines 2897-2906 should be elsewhere)

http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bpb/6375303/webrev.01/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ebpb/6375303/webrev.01/>

and updated benchmark source (using only ThreadLocalRandom.current())

http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bpb/6375303/Bench6375303.java <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ebpb/6375303/Bench6375303.java>

and updated benchmark  results for three different variations

http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bpb/6375303/6375303-bench-2.html <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ebpb/6375303/6375303-bench-2.html>

This version of toString() is from Peter and dispenses with the volatile qualifier on stringCache. At least on my system, there is no statistically significant micro-performance difference among the three versions tested, viz., baseline, toString() change only, toString() change plus other cleanup.

Any comments appreciated.



Hi Brian,

Here's my promised run of your latest webrev and microbenchmark on ARM platform (Raspberry Pi) with just released JDK 8 for ARM (-client compiler, since -server does not work on Raspberry Pi):

org.openjdk.jmh.Main parameters: ".*" -i 10 -r 5 -wi 5 -w 1 -f 1 -t 1

--- Baseline, 1-thread ---

Benchmark                              Mode   Samples         Mean   Mean error 
o.s.Bench6375303.testFirstToString     avgt        10   330618.266     2211.637 
o.s.Bench6375303.testToString          avgt        10       80.546        0.134 

--- Proposed webrev, 1-thread ---

Benchmark                              Mode   Samples         Mean   Mean error 
o.s.Bench6375303.testFirstToString     avgt        10   326588.284     1714.892 
o.s.Bench6375303.testToString          avgt        10      102.582        0.295 

--- Previous variant with volatile stringCache field, 1-thread ---

Benchmark                              Mode   Samples         Mean   Mean error 
o.s.Bench6375303.testFirstToString     avgt        10   328795.783     2508.173 
o.s.Bench6375303.testToString          avgt        10      105.741        0.316 

So both variants seem to be more or less the same but slower than baseline.

Why would they be slower? Answer: they have more bytecodes.

If I run with following JVM options: -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:MaxInlineSize=100 
(and only the "testToString" benchmark), I get:

--- Baseline, 1-thread ---

Benchmark                         Mode   Samples         Mean   Mean error    
o.s.Bench6375303.testToString     avgt        10       80.839        0.742    

--- Proposed webrev, 1-thread ---

Benchmark                         Mode   Samples         Mean   Mean error    
o.s.Bench6375303.testToString     avgt        10       80.851        0.771    

--- Previous variant with volatile stringCache field, 1-thread ---

Benchmark                         Mode   Samples         Mean   Mean error    
o.s.Bench6375303.testToString     avgt        10       80.834        0.749    


The answer, I was thinking about last night, for question: "Why is this double-checked non-volatile-then-volatile trick not any faster than pure volatile variant even on ARM platform where volatile read should have some penalty compared to normal read?", might be in the fact that Raspberry Pi is a single-core/single-thread "machine". Would anyone with JVM JIT compiler expertise care to share some insight? I suspect that on such platform, the compiler optimizes volatile accesses so that they are performed without otherwise necessary memory fences...

Regards, Peter

So the solution is to "reduce number of bytecodes in toString()". For example, 
the following:

     public String toString() {
         String sc = stringCache;
         if (sc == null) {
             sc = toStringSlow();
         return sc;

     private String toStringSlow() {
         String sc = (String) U.getObjectVolatile(this, STRING_CACHE_OFFSET);
         if (sc == null) {
             sc = layoutChars(true);
             if (!U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STRING_CACHE_OFFSET, null, sc)) {
                 sc = (String) U.getObjectVolatile(this, STRING_CACHE_OFFSET);
         return sc;

...gives the good results even without special JVM options:

Benchmark                         Mode   Samples         Mean   Mean error    
o.s.Bench6375303.testToString     avgt        10       80.925        0.313    

Regards, Peter

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