Please also describe the mapping of the original tests and the new ones so that we are sure no test cases are lost in the transition.


On 3/26/2015 6:01 PM, huizhe wang wrote:
I second Lance. The Main of the original astro had Javadocs and developer comments. Probably more important is that you've completely changed the main classes (TestDriver and Main), which looks good, however, the original classes contained a lot of information on what each test does and how it works that seem to have all been lost.

The suite's README and build.xml may also contain information that is worth keeping. Some of them may be no longer valid, in which case, it may be helpful to describe the change. For example, the log files described in README were useful for debugging. It would be good to explain where to find the debug info in your new design.

While scanning the test, I see that you are creating temporary output files under USER_DIR. Is that intended? JAXP processors do not necessarily open them with the DELETE_ON_CLOSE option. I thought in previous tests, you were creating them in the scratch directory.


On 3/26/2015 12:08 PM, Lance Andersen wrote:
Hi Frank,

Overall these look fine. I would suggest adding a simple comment to describe the tests that do not have one to give a basic intent of the test to make it easier for someone to understand if they are new.

On Mar 25, 2015, at 5:34 AM, Frank Yuan < <>> wrote:

Hi, Joe and All

We are working on moving internal jaxp functional tests to open jdk repo.

This is the astro suite. Would you please review these test? Any comment
will be appreciated.


webrev: <>

AstroTest is the primary test in this suite, it transforms an xml file(which
includes astro data) with several xsl files, sets different filtering
condition by these xsl files and different filtering range, finally compares
the result with golden files.

And there are 5 permutations of InputSourceFactory and FilterFactory(I uses
template method pattern for the variant FilterFactoryImpls), each
permutation will be applied to above transforming processes.



<><> <>Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering
1 Network Drive
Burlington, MA 01803 <>

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