That is fine by me. If any one on awt-dev knows of a reason to keep it
they should speak up.


On 9/15/15 5:09 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
We would be entirely happy if the environment frobbing code were to be deleted.
Should I change my code to do that?

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 3:49 PM, Phil Race < <>> wrote:

    I don't understand that original assessment.
    Switching to XAWT had no impact on this code except to make it
    i.e it did not prevent its execution.

    I doubt there is any code left in the JDK that will derive any
    benefit from it still being there. All CDE/Motif & Xt related code
    is gone.
    This should have been removed along with it but was doubtless not
    in plain sight to whoever did that.

    So unless I am missing something you could go further and just
    delete it.


    On 9/15/2015 3:13 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

        I reported this bug 12 years ago, but it was closed Will Not
        Fix, and this year I see java programs crashing because of it!
        This is a partial fix.

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