
This is a repeat of the RFR I sent last Wed (Jan 13).

CCC had some suggestions to improve the code that was previously approved 
during review.  As a consequence, I had to make significant changes to the API, 
and I believe the code need further review.  Please review the latest iteration 
of the webrev for runtime support of multi-release jar files. 

Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8132734 
JEP 238: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8047305 
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sdrach/8132734/webrev.02/ 

Here’s a list of things that were changed:

1. Removed setVersion, setRuntimeVersioned, and getRuntimeVersionedEntry.  Also 
removed the configuration lock.

2. Added a Release enum to represent releases.

3. Added a new constructor that uses the enum as one of it’s arguments.  This 
is the only way to make multi-release
  JarFile objects.

4. Added new code to provide runtime versioning for class loaders using the new 

4. Made the “version” int final, removing the volatile modifier.

5. Made the two remaining public methods, getVersion and isMultiRelease final.

6. Added implSpec to getEntry and getJarEntry so potential subclassers are 
aware of how things work.

7. Rewrote and added tests to deal with the new constructor and the Release 

8. Added a simple http server to test getting jar files from both a local files 
system and from the network.


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