On 22/01/2016 23:10, Steve Drach wrote:
Hi Alan, et. al.,
I’ve released a new webrev that addresses all the issues you raised.
For Release then I have to admit that I dislike _9 and wonder if
other options were considered? javax.lang.model.SourceVersion uses
the RELEASE_xx convention for example.
Changed to VERSION_9, i.e. Release.VERSION_9
Also I wonder about Release.ROOT and whether Release.UNVERSIONED was
considered? In general the phrase "root entry" in the javadoc makes
me think the root or top-most directory. An alternative that might be
clearer is to say "unversioned entry" and define that term clearly in
the class description.
Changed to BASE, i.e. Release.BASE
This looks better. Release.BASE is probably okay although it still feels
like Release.UNVERSIONED, esp. when it is defined as "Represents
unversioned entries".
I'm still wondering about the phrase "root entry" as it continues to
give the impression (to me anyway) that it's a resource in the root
directory. I think "root" works in the JEP because it deals with simple
resources like A.class and B.class that are in the root directory but
it's confusing when there resources with a slash in the name. Add to
this is the META-INF/versions/<n> directories which are roots for the
version specific resources. I think part of the confusion is that the
first mention of "root entry" is in the second paragraph where it has
"overrides the unversioned root entry" without defining what it means.
In summary, I'm wondering whether you would be up for change the
terminology so that "root entry" isn't in the javadoc?