Okay, I’ll prepare a new webrev.  I think all we need to check for after “true” 
is \r or \n.  If the manifest just ends without at least one of those, it’s not 
a legal manifest.

> On Apr 8, 2016, at 11:25 AM, Claes Redestad <claes.redes...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 04/08/2016 07:54 PM, Steve Drach wrote:
>>>>>> I’ve put up a new webrev that addresses the issue of having spaces 
>>>>>> before (and after) the value “true” in the Multi-Release attribute.
>>>>> Is some or all of that really necessary? since the we can specify domain 
>>>>> of values.
>>>> I think it is.  The spec states that one can have an arbitrary amount of 
>>>> leading/trailing spaces in the value part of the attribute.  Apparently 
>>>> attribute values could also have “hidden” characters such as vertical tab 
>>>> or nak for example.  I wish the spec was tighter here.  I’m merely stating 
>>>> the the domain can be
>>>> “ *TRUE *” for upper/lower case letters.
>>> AFAICT the so called “spec" says nothing about trimming white space from 
>>> values and although not explicitly called out the actual value has to be 
>>> what constitutes the character sequence for the “otherchar" definition 
>>> (otherwise the continuation space and newline characters would also be part 
>>> of the actual value and that makes no sense).
>> No it doesn’t say you can trim white space, but if one doesn’t, then do we 
>> accept “true”, “ true”, “  true”, etc.?
>>> So it seems you may have quite a bit of wiggle room here :-) and it’s up to 
>>> each attribute definition to state what constitutes its domain of possible 
>>> valid values based on “other char”.
>> So, we can say *otherchar is upper/lower case “true” only?
>>>>> For example, the Sealed attribute can take on a value of “true” or 
>>>>> “false” (case ignored), but there is no white space trimming.
>>>> Well then “Sealed:   true” won’t work, but the spec says it should work.
>>> Where does the “spec” state that it should?
>> It really comes down to the interpretation of otherchar.  If it can be 
>> interpreted on an attribute by attribute basis then it’s not a problem.
>>> The value is literally the string “ true”, at least in one interpretation 
>>> of the “spec” :-)
>> I’m fine with that.  And we really should do something about the spec, it’s 
>> too loose and ambiguous.
>>> I suspect it’s ok to go with finding “Multi-Release: true” (lower/upper 
>>> case) as in your first patch, then check if it is terminated with a newline 
>>> (and ignore the continuation case)
>> Okay.  I’d like Claes to weigh in because he’s the one who brought it up.  
>> He’s traveling today, so I don’t expect to hear from him soon.
> Yeah, I'm guilty of raising the silly question of whether or not accepting 
> untrimmed true is OK according to spec.
> With a generous interpretation and the presence of prior art (Sealed) I think 
> it's OK to go back to the first version of the patch (with the addition to 
> check that Multi-Release: true is followed by a LF, CR or the end of the 
> manifest) and add a similar note to the spec/notes that Multi-Release has the 
> same value restrictions as Sealed.
> Perhaps both cases should be clarified in the notes to say that 
> leading/trailing whitespace is not accepted, since that isn't directly 
> obvious to a casual reader.
> Thanks!
> /Claes
>>> Paul.
>>>> I am fine without doing this nonsense, but I think we need to change the 
>>>> spec to make it correct.  We could change the definition of "otherchar” to 
>>>> something like this
>>>> otherchar:=ALPHA EXTALPHANUM*
>>>> ALPHA:=[A-Z | a-z | _]
>>>> Even this will still allow trailing spaces, so after matching TRUE we’d 
>>>> need to make sure the next char is SPACE, \r, or \n.
>>>> Other ideas?
>>>>> Paul.
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Please review this simple fix to require that the jar manifest 
>>>>>>> Multi-Release attribute has a value of “true" in order to be effective, 
>>>>>>> i.e. to assert the jar is a multi-release jar.
>>>>>>> issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153213 
>>>>>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153213>
>>>>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sdrach/8153213/webrev/index.html 
>>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sdrach/8153213/webrev/index.html>
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Steve

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