Hello together,

I tried to process all suggested change input into the following new webrev:


Give me feedback if something is missing/wrong


On 2016-09-15 13:48, Pavel Rappo wrote:
Daniel, Claes,

List.of() and Collections.emptyList() are not the same. The behaviours are different. Moreover, immutable static factory methods return instances which are
value-based. I believe it also means we are not tied with unconditional
instantiation, and in case of empty collections/maps could probably return the
same object every time.

We should ask Stuart why it has been done like that in the first place. Maybe out of concern people might synchronize of those objects? I don't know. Let's
say for now it's an implementation-specific detail.

On 15 Sep 2016, at 12:35, Claes Redestad <claes.redes...@oracle.com> wrote:


I don't mind List.of() aesthetically, but there are places where
startup/footprint is important where Collections.emptyList()
is simply superior, e.g., constituting permanent data structures
such as the module graph during early bootstrap.

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