> On 18 Nov 2016, at 04:52, Doug Lea <d...@cs.oswego.edu> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Paul Sandoz <paul.san...@oracle.com
>> <mailto:paul.san...@oracle.com>> wrote:
>>    Semaphore
>>    —
>>     633     /**
>>     634      * Acquires and returns all permits that are immediately
>>    available.
>>     635      * Upon return, zero permits are available.
>>     636      *
>>     637      * @return the number of permits acquired
>>     638      */
>>     639     public int drainPermits() {
>>     640         return sync.drainPermits();
>>     641     }
>>    Arguably, if positive acquires all permits, otherwise releases all
>>    permits. Perhaps:
> Thank! That's a better way to phrase intent. Reworded to:
>    /**
>     * Acquires and returns all permits that are immediately
>     * available, or if negative permits are available, releases them.
>     * Upon return, zero permits are available.
>     *
>     * @return the number of permits acquired or, if negative, the
>     * number released
>     */

Looks good to me.

>>    Probably requires a CCC which i can manage.
> Really?

Hmm… i don’t really wanna do it :-) but i suppose from the current 
specification it could be interpreted that no action is taken if there are 
negative permits. I believe submitter of the associated bug interpreted it that 

> If so, please do.

I’ll take the pain :-)


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