On 21/08/2017 2:07 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 6:36 PM, David Holmes <david.hol...@oracle.com <mailto:david.hol...@oracle.com>> wrote:

    On 20/08/2017 6:37 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

        Future projects:

        377 * <li>The specified amount of real time has elapsed, more or

        Replace with

        * <li>At least the specified amount of real time has elapsed.

        (I think I failed to persuade David last time ...)

    And you will continue to do so. :) In the presence of spurious
    wakeups it is completely untestable to say "at least the specified
    time has elapsed"

My view is that spurious wakeup is a separate item in this list. "The specified amount of real time has elapsed" should only be about "normal" timeout.

And if you could perform whitebox testing that peeks inside to be able to make the distinction that would be fine. But in terms of the API and any conformance test, it is impossible to distinguish between an "early return" and a "spurious return". So specifying "at least ..." is meaningless so long as spurious wakeups are allowed.


377 * <li>The specified amount of real time has elapsed, more or less.

382 * <li>Thread <var>T</var> is awakened spuriously. (See below.)

I feel that "returning early" should occur only for rare spurious wakeups (and I'd like even those to go away someday).

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