Hi RĂ©mi,

On 2017-12-06 23:57, Remi Forax wrote:
Hi Claes,
- both constructors of SubList should be package private,


- in listIterator, i can be declared outside of the ListIterator as a local 
variable that would be captured by the anonymous class,
   so index is not used inside the anonymous class. Also you can use the 
diamond syntax for anonymous class now.

   public ListIterator<E> listIterator(int index) {
     ListIterator<E> i = root.listIterator(offset + index);
     return new ListIterator<>() {


- you can move "new IndexOutOfBoundsException" out of rangeCheck into 
outOfBoundsMsg, so the bytecode size of rangeCheck() will be smaller.

I had already done so for the outer class, and realized I had forgotten to clean this part up:

SubList is now final, inherits from AbstractImmutableList instead of AbstractList and reuses more of the shared code.

I also moved 'implements Serializable' from AbstractImmutableList to List12 and ListN respectively to not change the behavior that List.of(0,1) is serializable while List.of(0,1).subList(0,1) isn't.

- in Itr, please declare the constructor after the declaration of the fields,
   and assigning the cursor to zero is useless.


- in equals, the code is weirdly asymmetric because e1 is typed as an Iterator<E>, 
declaring it as an Iterator<?> will make the code more symmetric.

I also realized I had missed an opportunity to take advantage of the fact that elements returned from e1 are guaranteed to
be non-null. Might as well.

- in List12, you have a lot of useless @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ??
   in size(), get(), contains(), hashCode(), writeReplace().

- in ListN, again some useless @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ??
   in  size(), get(), contains(), hashCode(), writeReplace()

I don't know how these snuck in, but my IDE was pleasantly hiding these away. I think I cleaned out all the useless ones.

- the constructor of MapN(K,V) can be made a little more efficient (less 
getfield opcodes) if written like this
MapN(K key, V value) {
       table = new Object[] { key, value };
       size = 1;

Oops, this was a leftover from my experiment where I adapted MapN to implement Map1 when setting specializers=0. Removed.

   and i do not understand why the field size is not declared @Stable anymore,
   ok, it can be equals to zero, but in that case the JIT will emit a move
   so it's better than always asking for a move (or i do not understand the 
semantics of @Stable ?)

Hmm, I'm under the impression @Stable brings no additional value to a final non-array fields (definitely important for arrays).

I might have been guilty of adding @Stable to more fields than necessary in these implementations in the first place. I've reverted this removal and will add a note to investigate separately if we can more systematically clean them up.




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