> > On 5 Sep 2019, at 16:02, Pavel Rappo <pavel.ra...@oracle.com> wrote:
> >
> > I think we are almost there. What do you think of the following incremental 
> > (i.e. on top of your latest webrev) change?
> >
> >    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prappo/8228580/webrev.01/
> >
> > I fixed a couple of trivial typos and addressed the socket relinquishing 
> > issue. Initializing a socket is not an atomic "all-or-nothing" operation 
> > now. Someone needs to take care of the socket in case things go not as 
> > planned.

Right. Thanks. Here is the merged version:
Plus, I have added TCP server init retry code from Chris. Works fine
without changes to TestBase.

Milan Mimica

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