On Fri, 25 Mar 2022 14:52:09 GMT, Roger Riggs <rri...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Done.
>> Sadly it seems the smaller improvement I got on 
>> `getYearFromMillisZoneRegion/-UTC` was due avoiding the added arithmetic in 
>> `Instant.ofEpochSecond(sec, nanos)`:
>> Benchmark                                     Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   
>> Units
>> GetYearBench.getYearFromMillisZoneOffset     thrpt   15  27.579 ? 0.030  
>> ops/ms
>> GetYearBench.getYearFromMillisZoneRegion     thrpt   15   9.570 ? 0.091  
>> ops/ms
>> GetYearBench.getYearFromMillisZoneRegionUTC  thrpt   15  28.063 ? 0.030  
>> ops/ms
>> Benchmark                                     Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   
>> Units
>> GetYearBench.getYearFromMillisZoneOffset     thrpt   15  34.791 ? 0.030  
>> ops/ms
>> GetYearBench.getYearFromMillisZoneRegion     thrpt   15   9.526 ? 0.122  
>> ops/ms
>> GetYearBench.getYearFromMillisZoneRegionUTC  thrpt   15  28.056 ? 0.040  
>> ops/ms
>> `getYearFromMillisZoneOffset` is still good.
> I would expect that `nanoAdjustment` is zero in most cases, would it hurt 
> performance to test for zero and skip the math?

Actually I think it might be fairly common with a `nanoAdjustment` (e.g. 
timestamps with milliseconds), so not sure such a test is profitable.

But I think it was correct to omit the nano parts for the `ZonedDateTime` 
constructor, since it's validating that the `nanoOfSecond` parameter is in the 
range 0-999999999. I'll revert the change to add the 2nd parameter to the new, 
internal getOffset method.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7957

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