On Tue, 30 Aug 2022 20:17:04 GMT, Raffaello Giulietti <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> test/jdk/java/util/regex/NamedGroupsTests.java line 45:
>>> 43: 
>>> 44:         testMatchResultStartEndGroup();
>>> 45:     }
>> I haven't gone through all the tests in great detail (yet), but it occurs to 
>> me that we potentially have THREE implementations of some of the logic, and 
>> strictly speaking we should test all the code paths. The three 
>> implementations are in:
>> 1. Matcher
>> 2. Matcher$ImmutableMatchResult
>> 3. MatchResult's default methods
>> I took a quick look and it looks like Matcher and 
>> Matcher$ImmutableMatchResult override the default methods, so the default 
>> methods themselves need to be tested. This is essentially testing the 
>> `@implSpec`. The typical way to do that is to have the test create its own 
>> MatchResult implementation(s). There might need to be implementations that 
>> do and do not implement `namedGroups`, in order to test UOE. They might also 
>> need some state to cover various cases of no-match, has-match with and 
>> without group names, etc.
> An implementation that overrides `namedGroups` without overriding the other 
> methods accepting group names is `Matcher$ImmutableMatchResult`, which is 
> already exercised in the tests.

OK, as long as all the code paths are covered.

>> test/jdk/java/util/regex/NamedGroupsTests.java line 51:
>>> 49:         testMatchResultStartEndGroup2();
>>> 50:         testMatchResultStartEndGroup3();
>>> 51:     }
>> The three numbered tests here are a little hard to follow. Looks like these 
>> tests are
>> 1. test existing group names, with no match
>> 2. test existing group names, with a successful match
>> 3. test nonexistent group names, with a successful match
>> On test names, sometimes people provide extremely verbose test names such as 
>> `testThatExistingGroupNameWithMatchReturnsNegativeOrNull` which I think is 
>> overkill, but having a name that's somewhat descriptive would be helpful.
>> It looks like a case is missing, which is a test for a nonexistent group 
>> name on a MatchResult that doesn't have a successful match. I'm not sure 
>> which is checked first; I think the implementation would throw IAE, because 
>> of the nonexistent name, regardless of whether or not the MatchResult has a 
>> match.
>> However, I don't think we've specified this, and in fact I don't think we 
>> want to. In general though, if multiple error conditions can arise in the 
>> same operation, the general style is not to constrain implementations to 
>> check for things in a particular order. Thus either IAE or ISE would be 
>> acceptable. Perhaps a test should be added for that. (Hm, might want to take 
>> another look at the specs regarding this issue.)
>> (Hm, might want to take another look at the specs regarding this issue.)
> Not sure who wants to take another look. If that it's you, then I'll wait 
> with the CSR.
> I'll change the method names to something a bit more speaking.

Sorry I should have been more specific. "Somebody" should take another look. 
:-) Well, anyway, I did, and the specification as written does not indicate 
which error condition is checked first. I think this is OK, so I don't think 
any changes are necessary. You might mention this in the text of the CSR; I 
know that Joe and I have discussed this issue previously, and he might have a 


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10000

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