On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 12:40:34 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> @AlanBateman I can propose variants of forward-searching 
>> _some-prefix_`IndexOf()` which are consistent with `substring()` in their 
>> handling of the indices, but I'd then rather prefer to file another JBS 
>> issue and prepare another PR.
>> The proposed 3 parameters variant of `indexOf()` _is_ the real "primitive" 
>> of the family. The other ones are mere shortcuts.
> Parking this PR while exploration is done into other options is okay.

@AlanBateman Both from an `@apiNote` and from an implementation perspective, 
the checked _some-prefix_`IndexOf()`variants would better make use of the 
public 3 params `indexOf()` API point proposed here, rather than relying on 
`StringLatin1` and `StringUTF16` internals.

Thus, parking this PR would mean that the other PR could not refer to the API 
point from here until this one is integrated. 

Perhaps I'm missing something.
Is it perhaps better to add the checked variants directly in this PR?


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12600

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