On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 15:05:05 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> @AlanBateman Both from an `@apiNote` and from an implementation perspective, 
>> the checked _some-prefix_`IndexOf()`variants would better make use of the 
>> public 3 params `indexOf()` API point proposed here, rather than relying on 
>> `StringLatin1` and `StringUTF16` internals.
>> Thus, parking this PR would mean that the other PR could not refer to the 
>> API point from here until this one is integrated. 
>> Perhaps I'm missing something.
>> Is it perhaps better to add the checked variants directly in this PR?
> The suggestion is to write down some alternatives to the 3-arg indexOf method 
> and work through some examples to see if they are less error prone. It might 
> be that you decide to move forward with the current proposal or it might be 
> that you decide a different method would help avoid some common mistakes.

An obvious alternative that comes to mind is an additional `checkedIndexOf(int 
ch, int fromIndex, int toIndex)` that behaves like `substring()` in checking 
the indices, and like the 3 params `indexOf()` when not throwing.

Depending on the invocation context, this might help in some cases, in 
particular when the arguments have not been validated before: a programmer can 
then rely on the "battery-included" check.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12600

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