
The status quo takes a balance between trying do the right thing and creating a headache for lots of developers. Deprecating the existing methods would cause lots of warnings and provide little actual improvement.
Except in a few locales, the output would be the same as today.
If you're working in a locale where it matters, it has become habit to use Locale.root everywhere.

The most positive suggestion from the January thread [1] was to fix the uses in the JDK in small batches and carefully review each to make sure there are no unintended consequences. Even replacing the existing uses with a new method requires the same cautious approach.  Adding new methods was also mentioned.

The topics of deprecation and a new API should be treated separately, they have different costs and benefits.

As observed, coming to agreement on the naming is likely the hard part.
You might want to start a discussion about that; but it may be too soon for a PR.

Regards, Roger

On 4/11/23 4:02 PM, Glavo wrote:
Hi everyone,

A few months ago, I discussed in this mailing list[1] whether toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() should be deprecated. At that time, I received some approval and no one opposed the idea. Therefore, I thought it might be time
to continue advancing this work, so I created a PR[2] for this.

This PR is still a draft, welcome to discuss it there.

I don't have much experience in contributing to OpenJDK yet, so I also hope to get the help of experienced
contributors (such as creating CSR). Thanks!


[1] https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2023-January/099375.html
[2] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/13434

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