On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:05:49 GMT, Andrey Turbanov <aturba...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This issue was reported by: Yakov Shafranovich 
>> ([yako...@amazon.com](mailto:yako...@amazon.com))
>> Currently, `ObjectInputStream::readObject()` doesn't explicitly checks for a 
>> negative array length in the deserialization stream. Instead it calls 
>> `j.l.r.Array::newInstance(..)` with the negative length which results in a 
>> `NegativeArraySizeException`. NegativeArraySizeException is an unchecked 
>> exception which is neither declared in the signature of 
>> `ObjectInputStream::readObject()` nor mentioned in its API specification. It 
>> is therefore not obvious for users of `ObjectInputStream::readObject()` that 
>> they may have to handle `NegativeArraySizeException`s. It would therefor be 
>> better if a negative array length in the deserialization stream would be 
>> automatically wrapped in an `InvalidClassException` which is a checked 
>> exception (derived from `IOException` via `ObjectStreamException`) and 
>> declared in the signature of `ObjectInputStream::readObject()`.
>> If we do the negative array length check in 
>> `ObjectInputStream::readObject()` before filtering, this will then also fix 
>> `ObjectInputFilter.FilterInfo::arrayLength()` which is defined as:
>> Returns:
>> the non-negative number of array elements when deserializing an array of the 
>> class, otherwise -1
>> but currently returns a negative value if the array length is negative.
> test/jdk/java/io/ObjectInputStream/NegativeArraySizeTest.java line 69:
>> 67:         serializedData[firstPos+5] = (byte) 0xfe;
>> 68: 
>> 69:         return  serializedData;
> Suggestion:
>         return serializedData;

Thanks, fixed.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13540#discussion_r1175167976

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