On Tue, 27 Jun 2023 14:23:53 GMT, Chen Liang <li...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> What I suggest is to prepare the array only once (in the static block as it 
>>> is now), but have each class that use it encapsulate is own copy - obtained 
>>> from clone(). Surely 256 shorts is not so large that we can't have two 
>>> arrays?
>> I really wish we have frozen arrays, which are safely sharable like records. 
>> The closest we have right now is a final array with `@Stable`, which 
>> indicates array elements are lazy (any non-default value read can be treated 
>> as a constant by JIT); since this array is explicitly `@Stable final`, we 
>> can share it within the JDK like any other immutable objects.
> On second thought, we should be able to create a getter like
> @ForceInline
> static short hex256(int byteValue) {
>     return HEX256[byteValue];
> }
> and switch usages to that getter instead. This is a better approach than 
> cloning the array and makes the array safe from modification by modules that 
> get jdk.internal.util exports.

> Sadly, jdk.internal.util is exported to other modules so it does need to be 
> looked at from an integrity perspective.

This is indeed a problem to consider.

Maybe we can move this array back into `HexDigits`. Then we create a new 
package `jdk.internal.digits` and move `Digits`, `DecimalDigits`, `HexDigits`, 
`OctalDigits` all into it.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14578#discussion_r1243854585

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