On 06/09/2023 14:02, Volker Simonis wrote:

I wonder why "sun.management" was encapsulated in the first place? I
understand that it is not an "officially supported" API, but I find it
still quite useful.
sun.management.* is JDK internal so not something for code outside the JDK to use directly. The only sun.* packages that are exported to all modules are the "critical internal APIs" in the jdk.unsupported module. JEP 260 has the details.


So to cut a long story short, I see several options:

1. Publicly export sun.management and restore the JDK 8 (or pre JDK
16) behavior. This would certainly require some polishing (e.g. some
of the corresponding JVM functionality has already been removed [1])
but I think it could still be quite useful.
2. Port the useful functionality from the "sun.management" MBeans to
corresponding "com.sun.management" MBeans and remove the
"sun.management" MBeans.
3. Remove the "sun.management" MBeans without substitution.

What do you think?
If there are JDK-specific or HotSpot VM specific features where there is a compelling case for a management interface then com.sun.management is good place to prototype new APIs. You may already be familiar with com.sun.management.HotSpotDiagnosticMBean.


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