On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 10:11:53 GMT, Claes Redestad <redes...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Running some additional testing. This mostly looks fine.
> One issue is that you're swapping the byte-order in `DecimalDigits::DIGITS` 
> but not in `OctalDigits` and `HexDigits`. I think we need to keep these 
> internally consistent to avoid surprises.
> I also would like to see performance numbers of the byte order swap evaluated 
> in isolation. I suspect the real effect is small and might be due to JIT 
> noise rather than a real effect, and that this swap got rushed in without 
> solid evidence that it helps.
> If there's no significant performance difference I would prefer if we kept 
> `DecimalDigits::DIGITS` big-endian encoded - which is more intuitive to most 
> - and adjust code depending on `DecimalDigits::digitPair` to use `ByteArray` 
> rather than `ByteArrayLittleEndian`.

I prefer to use little endian,  most environments are little endian. Changes to 
HexDigit will have to wait until #PR 14745 is merged.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15651#issuecomment-1715721750

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