On Thu, 30 May 2024 13:33:40 GMT, Scott Gibbons <sgibb...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Control question: Are we confident with this potentially going into JDK 23 
>> or should we rather postpone to JDK 24? The fork is next week.
> Thank you all for the comments.  @TobiHartmann I'm comfortable with this 
> going into JDK 23.  The code has been functionally stable for me for the past 
> 2 months.  The recent churn centers primarily around restructuring the code 
> for readability and maintainability and ensuring protection against reading 
> past the end of strings.  Both Vlad (Volodymyr) and @sviswa7 have scoured the 
> code with me and together we have convinced ourselves that we've covered all 
> the bases.  Of course we may have missed something but my confidence is high.
> The overall performance gain as reported by the StringIndexOf JMH averages 
> ~7x running on an e-core as compared with baseline on the same core.  It's 
> skewed somewhat towards massive gains for long (~2K) strings (avg 14.4x) and 
> modest gains for small-ish strings (avg ~1.8x).  I've measured up to 60x 
> performance improvement for some 2K UTF-16 indexOf operations.
> Again, thank you all.  It's been a fun exercise and I've learned a lot.

@asgibbons generally it would be nice if you waited for me to accept your 
changes before integrating.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16753#issuecomment-2139604424

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