On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 1:08 PM David Lloyd <david.ll...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 12:57 PM Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com>
> wrote:
>> On 11/06/2024 18:19, David Lloyd wrote:
>> :
>> I thought that might be where Alan was headed with this. I would support
>> this solution; it would solve the problem for conformant serialization
>> libraries. If a class has a `readObject`/etc. then we use it - we wouldn't
>> care if it was "natural" or generated. This also gives us the option to
>> allow the user to use `opens` selectively to opt-in to special
>> optimizations, without a major penalty if they do not.
>> Is there already someone assigned for this task
>> Not to my knowledge so you have cycles to prototype and have these
>> methods return a MH that work like a "default" readObject/writeObject then
>> it would help the discussion.
> I think I can come up with *at least* a prototype in the next week or two.
> I have one concern though. The `readObject` method, when defined by users,
> must by specification do one of two things before it may read values from
> the stream:
> * Call `OIS.defaultReadObject()`
> * Call `OIS.readFields()`
> In the latter case, we don't have a problem, but if the user class calls
> `defaultReadObject` then we're back in the boat of having to reflectively
> set the fields of the class. We could possibly solve this by creating a
> *new* accessor which creates a parallel version of the method which
> *always* sets fields reflectively, even if a `readObject` already exists on
> the class. I'm not sure if there is a better solution. There is a similar
> problem on the write side, however this involves reading fields rather than
> writing them (obviously).

I have a *very* rough prototype up [1]. It adds two new accessor methods to
`ReflectionFactory`: `defaultReadObjectForSerialization` and
`defaultWriteObjectForSerialization`. It was easier than expected, due
largely to the classfile API, which is really nice.

These methods create an artificial `readObject`/`writeObject` method in a
hidden+nestmate class connected to the original class, which uses the
stream's `GetField`/`PutField` to access the stream data and normal field
operations to access the class fields. For usage, these methods can be used
when `read|writeObjectForSerialization` return `null`, *or* when
`defaultRead|WriteObject` is used.

There is additionally a constant bootstrap temporarily located on
`ReflectionFactory` to acquire a `MethodHandle` that can act as a setter
for final fields (there is no JVM-breaking magic here; it uses regular
public APIs to achieve this). However this constant bootstrap probably
needs to be put somewhere in `java.base` to actually be useful (my test
program needed `--add-reads` and `-add-opens` to make it work because
`ReflectionFactory` is located in `jdk.unsupported`). I was hesitant to put
it into `ConstantBootstraps` but maybe that's really the best place for it.

The outstanding problems are:
- Need to determine if this is a valid/approved approach
- Move the field-setter constant bootstrap method to `java.base` somewhere
- Field setter constant bootstrap does not have adequate access checking;
couldn't figure out a good way to do it
- Field setter constant bootstrap also works for non-final fields, though
this is not used by the prototype
- Caching - yea or nay? For now it's left up to the caller (I think this is
consistent with existing methods but not sure)
- There are some `ClassDesc`, `MethodHandleDesc`, and `MethodTypeDesc` that
should be in constant fields
- Probably some normal code improvements & cleanups
- Documentation
- Real tests
- Probably a good idea to review the spec again to make sure no edge case
was missed

[1] https://github.com/dmlloyd/jdk/commit/serialization

- DML • he/him

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