On Thu, 20 Jun 2024 12:11:25 GMT, Jorn Vernee <jver...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This PR adds a new JDK tool, called `jnativescan`, that can be used to find 
>> code that accesses native functionality. Currently this includes `native` 
>> method declarations, and methods marked with `@Restricted`.
>> The tool accepts a list of class path and module path entries through 
>> `--class-path` and `--module-path`, and a set of root modules through 
>> `--add-modules`, as well as an optional target release with `--release`.
>> The default mode is for the tool to report all uses of `@Restricted` 
>> methods, and `native` method declaration in a tree-like structure:
>> app.jar (ALL-UNNAMED):
>>   main.Main:
>>     main.Main::main(String[])void references restricted methods:
>>       java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment::reinterpret(long)MemorySegment
>>     main.Main::m()void is a native method declaration
>> The `--print-native-access` option can be used print out all the module 
>> names of modules doing native access in a comma separated list. For class 
>> path code, this will print out `ALL-UNNAMED`.
>> Testing: 
>> - `langtools_jnativescan` tests.
>> - Running the tool over jextract's libclang bindings, which use the FFM API, 
>> and thus has a lot of references to `@Restricted` methods.
>> - tier 1-3
> Jorn Vernee has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   update man page header to be consisten with the others

I've massaged the parsing code to where the help message now looks like this:

Option                  Description
------                  -----------
-?, -h, --help          help
--add-modules <String>  List of root modules to scan
--class-path <Path>     The class path as used at runtime
--module-path <Path>    The module path as used at runtime
--print-native-access   print a comma separated list of modules that may
                          perform native access operations. ALL-UNNAMED is used
                          to indicate unnamed modules.
--release <Version>     The runtime version that will run the application
--version               Print version information and exit

I'm not sure if joptsimple has a way to display the option arguments like 
`<Path>[,<Path>]` to indicate multiple options (at least I couldn't find it 


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19774#issuecomment-2181397654

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