There are a lot of tuning "knobs" for the JRockit JVM when it comes to
performance; those tuning can make a huge difference. I'm very interested if
there are some tuning tips for Hadoop.

Grace, what are the parameters that you used in your testing?


On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Steve Loughran <> wrote:

> Chris Collins wrote:
>> a couple of years back we did a lot of experimentation between sun's vm
>> and jrocket.  We had initially assumed that jrocket was going to scream
>> since thats what the press were saying.  In short, what we discovered was
>> that certain jdk library usage was a little bit faster with jrocket, but for
>> core vm performance such as synchronization, primitive operations the sun vm
>> out performed.  We were not taking account of startup time, just raw code
>> execution.  As I said, this was a couple of years back so things may of
>> changed.
>> C
> I run JRockit as its what some of our key customers use, and we need to
> test things. One lovely feature is tests time out before the stack runs out
> on a recursive operation; clearly different stack management at work.
> Another: no PermGenHeapSpace to fiddle with.
> * I have to turn debug logging of in hadoop test runs, or there are
> problems.
> * It uses short pointers (32 bits long) for near memory on a 64 bit JVM. So
> your memory footprint on sub-4GB VM images is better. Java7 promises this,
> and with the merger, who knows what we will see. This is unimportant  on
> 32-bit boxes
> * debug single stepping doesnt work. That's ok, I use functional tests
> instead :)
> I havent looked at outright performance.
> /

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