Grace wrote:
Thanks all for your replying.

I have run several times with different Java options for Map/Reduce
tasks. However there is no much difference.

Following is the example of my test setting:
Test A: -Xmx1024m -server -XXlazyUnlocking -XlargePages
-XgcPrio:deterministic -XXallocPrefetch -XXallocRedoPrefetch
Test B: -Xmx1024m
Test C: -Xmx1024m -XXaggressive

Is there any tricky or special setting for Jrockit vm on Hadoop?

In the Hadoop Quick Start guides, it says that "JavaTM 1.6.x, preferably
from Sun". Is there any concern about the Jrockit performance issue?

The main thing is that all the big clusters are running (as far as I know),
Linux (probably RedHat) and Sun Java. This is where the performance and scale testing is done. If you are willing to spend time doing the experiments and tuning, then I'm sure we can update those guides to say "JRockit works, here are some options...".


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