On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 11:54:15AM +0200, Rudolf Marek wrote:
> >When I boot with the propietary BIOS I can get GRUB2 and linux console
> >on the serial port, but only at 38400 bps. 118000 does not work. So
> >I've put 38400 in kconfig too.
> Hm this is strange. Maybe you can try with 9600 ?  

I'll try. Since docs say 118000 I thought the furthest from that the
worst, so I didn't try.

> I checked your
> superiotool dump and it seems that you dont need to call
> it8712f_24mhz_in check if you do not call it by accident.

I tried once with it8712f_24mhz_in but then I removed the call
and I think most tests have been without it. I'll recheck.
> I would suggest to try to make it work with serialICE first, then
> fix the coreboot console as second step. Go to www.serialice.com and
> download it.

Ok. I thought there was no hope for SerialICE if I can't make serial
work in coreboot, but I'll give it a look.
> It is some kind of simple monitor which can execute various IO
> operations through serial port.
> I'm attaching a file which could do the trick for you. Set the
> baudspeed to 38400 and select that asrock board in kconfig. Replace
> the existing file with attached, and compile. Not sure if padding is
> there so if you get 64KB image then you need just to place the image
> in last 64KB of the flash.
> Then use minicom or whatever and see if you get the serialice
> prompt. If so, you just need to fix the coreboot to do same thing.

Fine, thank you for giving options to try.

I'll get back after these tests.

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