On 05/03/2018 06:02 PM, ron minnich wrote:
> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 1:20 PM Timothy Pearson
> <tpear...@raptorengineering.com <mailto:tpear...@raptorengineering.com>>
> wrote:
>     Hash: SHA256
>     I think I was being a bit pessimistic / too careful here.  We're close
>     to getting the docs publicly released, but that doesn't help anyone
>     wanting access right now, which is why I mentioned the other route.
>     IBM's committed to getting the documentation released, they're just
>     making sure that what they release is actually correct for the products
>     it covers.
>     It might make sense to get our "working group" together over the next
>     few weeks, by which time the documentation should be available in public
>     form.
>     Are you interested in joining? :-)
> of course, but not until those docs are freed up. 
> Context: I've been trying for 2 years now to get OPAL released under
> dual gpl2 licensing with the current apache2 license, apache2 and gpl2
> are not compatible, so we'd be in a bit of a mess should we use OPAL
> code in coreboot, and it would be easiest if we were able to use some of
> that code.
> The first response from IBM was "why do you think you need coreboot?" I
> worked through that, and there was agreement in the end it ought to
> happen, said agreement reached about 2 years ago. Stuff Would Happen, I
> was told. After that, silence.
> This is pretty much par for the course with Power. In 1990 I spent two
> years getting an agreement that would allow me to .... get more agreements. 
> So close doesn't count. Once I see the kind of docs I need to see, not
> requiring a clickwrap, and covering all aspects of every chip on your
> board, I'm in: I'll order a board. Until then, I can't really do much.
> Thanks for your efforts on Power!
> ron

Fully understood.  I have a fairly detailed view into what happened
after the events you mention, but less so before.  Sometime we should
meet up and figure out the entire timeline of just what went wrong and
how it's being fixed (slowly).

FWIW the docs are going to happen; when they are up I'll send another
Email here. :-)

Timothy Pearson
Raptor Engineering
+1 (415) 727-8645 (direct line)
+1 (512) 690-0200 (switchboard)

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