For me personally, calls for papers and job opportunities are uninteresting aspects of the list. I filter out messages containing phrases like "deadline extension" and wade through the residue in order to be informed by the occasional presentation of linguistic insights (preferably expressed in civilised and reasonably concise terms), or by news of linguistic software or data. Contributions which do not bear on career enhancement are scarce enough as it is, and without them, the list loses its remaining relevance for me.
Ciarán Ó Duibhín.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Sina Ahmadi via Corpora" <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: 2023-08-30 17:14:11
Subject: [Corpora-List] Re: RANLP 2023 Call for Participation

I second Edyta's points too.

I have been on this list since 2015 and since then, the mailing list's standout feature has lied in its informative capacity to circulate calls for papers and job opportunities. While occasional "discussions" have also been a breath of fresh air, the current discourse doesn't quite align with this sentiment.

It would be more beneficial if the list could enhance its utility by containing intense discussions privately rather than disseminating them widely.


Best regards,
Sina Ahmadi
Postdoctoral Researcher & Adjunct Lecturer
Geroge Mason University
**On the job market! I'm seeking out new opportunities to collaborate and innovate as a researcher and lecturer (in Europe).**
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