Hi William,
the starting error has been naming the python/node.js/ruby/etc. tools with
the word couchapp! A tool is not an app,in the sense intended today. Most
of the tools are indeed suffixed with the word 'xyz client' or 'xyx tool'
just to say to the user: 'hey this tool will be useful for xyz'

Unfortunately, this suffix has not been applied to the couchapp tool in the
past, hence my proposal for renaming the tool to 'couchapp tool', not
couchapp, intended as application, to something else. What do you think
about this?

About the term couchapp: we already discussed, in the past, about it. To me
the term, which is ’couch+app’, means simply an app stored,running and
delivered from couchdb, nothing more. To me this seems very simple and

Then a couchapp may be phisically implemented as 1-N design docs pushed to
1-N databases, but this is only an implementation detail. The developer has
to choose how many ddocs and dbs can fit his needs.

A couchapp then may be:
- a website
- a server side Rest Api
- any kind of client-server web application

Isn't this far simpler to understand for new developers? What do you think?


P.S. the original thread for the proposal above was:

So I'm not sure if anyone here has any thoughts on this, so I thought I'd
throw it out there.

My company will soon be launching a product that mates up with Couch
beautifully and we're very much leveraging CouchDB as our back end server.
In fact, we're using Couch not only as the database but as the web server
(hence, 'couch app').

The thing is that, given that we're an all-JavaScript shop, we're not using
the 'couchapp' Python script and we found the 'couchapp' NodeJS module too
limited (and frankly, too buggy) for our use, so we have our own
server-side JS command line tools for uploading and maintaining the app in
CouchDB. But we're still "launching" the app right out of CouchDB, just
like these other scripts allow you to do.

The terminology I have been using for this is "Couch-served application" so
that folks don't get confused with 'couchapp', the Python or JS script that
is a specific implementation.

I know there are other products out there that do similar things to ours.
Does the term 'Couch-served app' make sense to folks and should we be using
it this broader context or does someone have a better suggestion?

Thanks for your input!


- Bill

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