On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Harald Kisch <haraldki...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I appreciate your interest in couchapps.

Oh, I've even written a few,  even have my own short-lived tool to
handle design docs

My question about terminology had more to do with this:
> 2. A library for single page application (SPA)
> Angular or React or whatever you want

Here's another "couchapp" I did 3 years ago, but it's straight html
(show/list functions) served from couchdb with almost no client-side

> 3. A REST API library for communication with Couchdb
> I would recommend using the jquery lib (
> http://bradley-holt.com/2011/07/couchdb-jquery-plugin-reference/)

That's what I meant by AJAX. Is it necessary to call something a couchapp?

> If you want to be supersexy with offline mobile responsitivity, you can
> also use pouchdb (https://pouchdb.com/)

My own website is served by couchdb too (sort of a wiki) and I can
edit anything offline (and attach images, whatever) thanks to PouchDB.
So here, I have one DB with 2 design docs (and serving 2 subdomains)
one for visitors, one for admin. The admin side use the app cache,
page.js, pouchdb and other niceties.

> In my opinion there is no more easy way to build fast, high available
> JavaScript applications for massive loads.

Eventually, I'm going to have to get to the bottom of this, but I
heard couchapp (but like I said, I'm not sure what that entails
_exactly_) might not have a future after CouchDB 2. Something to do
with show function performance.

Thanks for sharing your tips :-)


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