
Thanks. I think I got the idea for items (2) and (3).

But for number 1, the error occured when I try to run the default init
script provided in Courier website, installation section. While I run it, it
will cause another server ESMTPD service not running and cause
"courieresmtpd: [ID 702911] gdbm fatal: read error"
I try to start courierd, esmtpd, pop3d and courierfilter, then it is okay.

Do you which section of the service in init script might caused this?
I tried to command 1 section by 1 section in init script, but no avail.


Vincent Lee writes:

> Hi,
> Just have a few new questions I faced would like to ask for help, as
> follows:
> 1) I'm using 2 Courier mail server, running Solaris 9 with Courier-MTA
> latest version, which 1 server shared the whole Courier /etc config
> directory to another server. But unfortunately, ESMTPD daemon only able to
> start at 1 of the Courier server. Try to start another 1 will caused the
> started server ESMTPD down. (Anyone know why this happen?)
> Started ESMTP became down, its error logs showed:-
>  courieresmtpd: [ID 702911] gdbm fatal: read error
> So anyone know how to make both servers ESMTPD work, by sharing config
> or mount it to NetApp filer also acceptable?
> (Actually I plan to make 4 Courier mail servers run the same config files,
> but now I'm stuck!)

Sharing the etc directory between servers should not be a problem, as long
as you understand the consequences.  You have not provided sufficient
information.  For starters, normally courieresmtpd doesn't even run until
there's an actual client connection, so at the very least you should've
disclosed what ESMTP commands result in the crash.

> 2) How to send an email to whole userdb mail user account?

Write a shell script to do that.

> 3) Send greeting mail to new user account created

Write another shell script, or, modify whichever process creates a new
account to also install a stock greeting message in the newly-created


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