On 9/8/2014 4:02 PM, Ángel González wrote:
> Bowie Bailey wrote:
>> I was trying to diagnose exactly what is happening by watching the
>> communication between the servers, but I can't seem to turn off TLS when
>> talking to the other Courier server.  There used to be a /SECURITY=NONE
>> switch in esmtproutes, but I don't see it in the man page now and it
>> doesn't seem to do anything.  Was this removed?  How can I disable TLS
>> between these servers so I can see the data stream?
> There are multiple ways to do that, from disabling the encryption
> altogether, to performing a MITM yourself. One of the most unobtrusive
> ways is to do on the remote server:
>   strace -f -eread,write -s 90 -p 12345
> where 12345 is the pid of the appropiate couriertcpd process.
> Half of the messages will be encrypted, but the other half will show the
> unencrrypted communication of couriertls with the underlying process
> (courieresmtpd in this case).

Interesting, but that doesn't really give me what I'm looking for. I 
want to see the full text of the smtp conversation including the text of 
the email as it is being sent.  I can see some of that in the strace, 
but if it is all there, it would take way too much effort to reconstruct it.

What is the easiest way to disable the encryption on the server?


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