Idézem/Quoting Matus UHLAR - fantomas <>:

>>> On 26.03.17 18:44, SZÉPE Viktor wrote:
>>>> Running bind is too expensive for me.
>> Idézem/Quoting Matus UHLAR - fantomas <>:
>>> are you trying to say that it's more expensive than running courier mail
>>> server?
> On 29.03.17 13:30, SZÉPE Viktor wrote:
>> I'd like to use the DNS resolver from the given datacenter.
>> Optimizing and maintaining (thus learning) another linux daemon is
>> what really is expensive.
> 1. as I stated, the server should be able to resolve localhost
> 2. if you do any kind of spam detection (blacklist), using others' name
> server could result to worse spam detection.

Thank you.
Most of my Courier installs are satellite servers sending message  
through one transactional provider like Amazon SES, Mailjet, Mandrill  
or Sendgrid as I am not able to maintain more than 1 full featured  
mail server.

My mail server with mailboxes has a dedicated resolver server with "unbound".

SZÉPE Viktor
+36-20-4242498  skype: szepe.viktor
Budapest, III. kerület

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